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Statement of the german conference supporter “Peace WG of dieBasis Cologne”
(AG Frieden der Basisdemokratischen Partei Deutschland, dieBasis, im Stadtverband Köln)

24 October 2023

For peace and neutrality by banning NATO from the whole of Europe

Two sentences of the statement at the beginning: “We want to achieve, in alliance with peace forces in other NATO countries, that NATO, as the most aggressive war alliance in the world, is banned from the whole of Europe.” And: “We oppose war in all its forms – military as well as those waged by economic, biological and psychological means.” This is the way peace movement has to go and the peace conference “For a true and just peace – stop the third world war” already goes.

For peace and neutrality

Our goal is to make Germany a state from which peace actually emanates, as it is written in the 2+4 Treaty of 1990 – which constituted the united Germany – and which, as an equal member in a united Europe, actually serves the peace of the world, as it says in the preamble of the German Basic Law. This is only possible – and therefore it is the central peace policy demand – if Germany becomes neutral. To achieve the status of neutrality, the following steps are essential:

  • Germany terminates the Convention on the Presence of Foreign Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany (also called the Troop Stationing Treaty), which can be done with 2 years’ notice, in order to make all foreign military installations disappear from Germany
  • Germany withdraws from NATO, which is possible with a 1-year notice period
  • The German Armed Forces are transformed into a purely defensive army for national defence, in accordance with the German Basic Law
  • Germany ends all arms exports
  • Germany signs the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in order to contribute to the worldwide outlawing of nuclear weapons
  • Germany can make these decisions because, according to the 2+4 Treaty, Germany has been sovereign since 1990 (‘The United Germany shall have accordingly full sovereignty over its internal and external affairs.’). We consider these decisions absolutely necessary
    to avoid wars like the one in Ukraine
  • so that war manoeuvres on Russia’s borders become a thing of the past and a partnership with Russia becomes possible
  • to make the German Armed Forces’ missions abroad (in tow with the USA) a thing of the past
  • the closure of more than 50 military facilities in Germany (including EUCOM, AFRICOM and the US war hub Ramstein)
  • to stop the absurd armament of the German Armed Forces according to NATO’s specifications
  • the dismantling of the US nuclear weapons stored in Germany
  • to avert the danger of nuclear war, especially from the reactivated 56th US Field Artillery Command in Mainz-Kastel in November 2021, through which missiles can be deployed as in the 1980s, capable of reaching and ‘decapitating’ Moscow in a matter of minutes
  • to make Germany a neutral state that can no longer be misused to wage illegal wars of aggression

We want to achieve, in alliance with peace forces in other NATO countries, that NATO, as the most aggressive war alliance in the world, is banned from the whole of Europe.

Against images of the enemy

We oppose the creation of images of the enemy. Enemy images serve as psychological preparation for wars. We therefore condemn formulations in which, for example, Syria’s President Assad is described as a “bloody dictator who brutally oppresses his country”, in connection with Libya the “brutal and murderous actions of the Gaddafi regime against its own population” or in connection with the war in Ukraine the “brutal war of aggression by Russia” or “Putin” in violation of international law. On the contrary, we want to actively contribute to the dismantling of such images of the enemy in order to take away an essential basis for wars and to do justice to the vision of a human family living together in peace.

Against all forms of war

We oppose war in all its forms – military as well as those waged by economic, biological and psychological means. This also applies to the war waged against large sections of humanity in the framework of the Corona pandemic operation.