International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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Signatories on the conference

AFGHANISTAN1400 Study & Research Team (1400 S.R.T.)Left Radical of Afghanistan
ARGENTINABolshevik Militant Tendency (Tendencia Militante Bolchevique)
ARMENIAArmenian Communist Party
AUSTRALIAClass Conscious
AUSTRIASelf-determined Austria (Selbstbestimmtes Österreich)Free Left (Freie Linke)Anti-Imperialist Coordination (Antiimperialistische Koordination)Marxist-Leninist Platform (Marxistisch-Leninistische Plattform)
AZERBAIJANSocialist Movement of Azerbaijan
BALTIC STATESBaltic Anti-Fascists (Антифашисты Прибалтики)
BELARUSBelaya RusCommunist Party of Belarus
BRAZILCommunist Party (Partido Comunista) Communist Party of the Brazilian People (Partido Comunista do Povo Brasileiro)
BULGARIA23 September Movement (Движение “23 септември”)
CANADAAlliance of Concerned Jewish CanadiansGreen Left Canada
CHINAChina-US Solidarity Network (local branch)
CZECH REPUBLICCommunist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ)
EAST TIMORKomité Esperansa
FINLANDWomen for Peace – Finland
GEORGIASocialist Platform of GeorgiaUnified Communist Party of Georgia
GERMANYFeminist Party of Germany (Feministische Partei Die Frauen)Free Left (Freie Linke)Free Left Future (Freie Linke Zukunft)East German Board of Trustees of Associations (Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V.)Peace Bell Society Berlin (Friedensglockengesellschaft e.V. Berlin)dieBasis Thuringia (dieBasis Thüringen) Craftsmen for Peace (Handwerker für den Frieden)Free Left Anarchists (Freie Linke Anarchisten)Free Left Munich (Freie Linke München)Revolutionary Friendship League (Revolutionärer Freundschaftsbund e.V., RFB)Mothers Against War Berlin-Brandenburg (Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin - Brandenburg)New Direction (Neue Richtung) ArbeiterfotografiePeace Bridge - War Victims Aid (Friedensbrücke - Kriegsopferhilfe e.V.)German Peace Council (Deutscher Friedensrat )League of Religious Socialists Germany (Bund religiöser Sozialisten Deutschland)Linke ZeitungOut of NATO! (Raus aus der NATO!)Peace Movement nationwide coordination (Friedensbewegung bundesweite Koordination, FbK)Peace WG of dieBasis Cologne (AG Frieden der Partei dieBasis Köln)
GREAT BRITAINBritish Afro-Asian Solidarity OrganisationConsistent DemocratsInternational Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity New Communist Party of BritainSocialist Fight
GREECECollective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of HumanityPlatform for IndependencePopular Unity (LAE)
HUNGARYHungarian Workers PartyKarl Marx Society
INDIANational Democratic People’s Front (NDPF)
IRAQKurdistan Communist PartyArab Socialist Ba’ath Party
ITALY3V Movement (Movimento 3V)Front of Dissent (Fronte del Dissenso)Italy Again (Ancora Italia)United Italy (Italia Unita)Money Modern Theory (MMT)CARC Party (Partito dei CARC)Liberating Italy (Liberiamo l'Italia)Comitato Articolo 11Veneto - Russia Association (Associazione Veneto - Russia) Youth Against NATO Coordination (Coordinamento Giovani Contro la NATO)No Fear Day (No Paura Day)Veneto - Russia Committee (Comitato Veneto - Russia)Front for Popular Sovereignty (Fronte per la Sovranità Popolare)Land and Liberation (Terra e Liberazione)Reformist Alternative (Alternativa Riformista)Syrian Community in Italy (Comunità Siriana in Italia)
KAZAKHSTANSocialist Movement of Kazakhstan
KENYACommunist Party of Kenya
LEBANONNashet Social Cultural Association
LUXEMBOURGFree Left Future Luxembourg
MOROCCOMoroccan Socialist YouthParty of Progress and Socialism (Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme, PPS)
PAKISTANMazdoor Kissan Party
PALESTINEDemocratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF)Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
PHILIPPINESNational Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)Socialista Pilipinas
ROMANIARomanian Peace Council
RUSSIAForeign Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)Donetsk branch of the CPRFUnited Communist Party of RussiaAssociation of Russian VeteransAll-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of Former Soviet Republics
SERBIAConservative Movement Naši
SIERRA LEONEPeople's Democratic League (PDL)
SOUTH KOREABolshevik GroupPeople's Democracy Party
SPANISH STATESocialismo XXIAndalusian Nation (Nación Andaluza)
SWITZERLANDWorkers and Small Businesses Party (Büezer und KMU Partei)
TUNISIASocialist Party
TURKEYCommunist Labour Party of Turkey / Leninist (TKEP/L)Struggle Union (Mücadele Birligi)
UKRAINEBorotbaUnion of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of UkraineDerzhava
U.S.A.Workers World PartySocialist Unity PartyUS Friends of the Soviet PeopleLeague of Young Communists USA (LYCUSA)Center for Political Innovation (CPIUSA)United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN)China-US Solidarity Network (local branch)
ZIMBABWEZimbabwe Movement for Pan African Socialists
EUROPEStop Killing DonbassAnti-Imperialist CampHands of Syria - Alliance against War (Vienna-Hamburg-Basel)
INTERNATIONALAnti-Imperialist Front (AIF)International League of Religious Socialists (ILRS)Jewish People's Liberation Organisation (JPLO)Anti-imperialist Camp