International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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This will be the International Forum “WHAT FUTURE FOR THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE?”

Rome, 20 and April 21 2024

This is not just any conference, nor a propaganda meeting, nor a summit offering mere solidarity. It is a Forum to delve into the history and address the ancient and recent causes of the conflict between the Palestinian people and Israel. A Forum to shed light on the many historical, cultural, spiritual and geopolitical aspects. You will not hear from those who seek to trumpet ideas of western superiority nor those miscreants who allude to primitive and barbaric terrorists who hate the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’. No. You will hear another story, the voices of those in Palestine, the Middle East and the rest of the world who strive against imperialist supremacism and defend a more authentic concept of freedom, civilisation, democracy and peace. Such concepts are meaningless and misleading in the hands of those who use them to justify the oppression of people from whom, in addition to denying their right to liberation, they would seek to rip away their roots, identity, soul and traditions.

Here is an initial list of the Forum’s participants.

Alongside the various voices from Palestinian, Yemeni and Arab resistance movements, we will hear those of anti-Zionist Judaism such as Moni Ovadia and Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss.

We will have with us internationally renowned Arab historians such as Azzam Tamini. Political figures such as Hezbollah MP Ali Fayyad, Kuwaiti MP Hamad Almatar, Said Bakkali of the Socialist Youth of Morocco will attend. Renowned analysts such as former ambassador Elena Basile, Russian Faina Gazdieva and others from nations such as Iran. Leading exponents of the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance such as Lebanese Nabil Halak, Palestinians in Italy such as Mohammad Hannoun and Milab Basir, Jordanian Ayman Zeidan, Lee Siu Hin from China and Richard Bared, Gary Daly and Tara Ryner O’Grady from Ireland. Well-known human rights activists will attend such as Lebanese Mona Abd al Rahman and Fra Hughes from Northern Ireland.

Additionally, because we will have an in-depth space dedicated to the conflict between Russia and the US-NATO-EU bloc in Ukraine, we will have the presence of Marxist intellectuals such as Russian Said Gafurov and Georgian Temur Pipia.

Additionally, other activists will participate, namely members of the International Coordination STOPWW3-International Initiative for Peace and others will join us over the Internet.

Last October a major international conference took place in Rome entitled “For a true and just peace, stopping the third world war”.

Delegates from forty anti-imperialist organizations from 25 countries and every continent participated. The Conference concluded by unanimously approving a Resolution translated into multiple languages which you can read here:

Thus was born an international coordination called “STOP THE THIRD WORLD WAR – International Peace Initiative” (STOPWW3) and which in various countries is engaging in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and to stop the strategic aggression of the US-NATO bloc EU to Russia and in the future to China. The Conference was long prepared and organized by the FRONTE del DISSENSO, a democratic, anti-imperialist and revolutionary Italian political movement.

A Forum well worth attending. Due to limited places reservation is required.
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A Forum well worth supporting, given the obvious costs, with real assistance. Click HERE to make a DONATION VIA PAYPAL.

Fronte del Dissenso