International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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Greetings to the International Peace Conference – Neue Richtung

12 October 2023

Neue Richtung
Politische Bürgerbewegung für Demokratie, Neutralität und Gerechtigkeit
Neue Richtung
Dresdner Straße 5
04741 Roßwein
Döbeln, 12.10.2023

Greetings to the International Peace Conference in Rome on October 28th/29th, 2023

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of peace,

the neutralist citizens’ movement “NEUE DIRECTION” from Germany sends best regards and wishes
for this conference. Unfortunately, for several reasons – including both professional and health reasons – we were unable to send a representative to Rome.

The situation in Ukraine can escalate into a major conflict at any time. The inclusion of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics into the Russian Federation has made a negotiated solution to this war much more complicated. All the more reason is that there is a need for numerous committed forces – especially from Ukraine and Russia – to work for a peaceful solution.

We criticize the fact that some representatives of political forces who wanted to take part in this conference were not allowed to enter Italy for obvious political reasons and were not granted entry visas.

But the age of a dominant West is coming to an end. The US empire is like a wounded giant, flailing wildly. Instead of focusing on strengthening and renewing its own country, working on its weaknesses (especially in the areas of education, health, social justice) and learning from the mistakes it has made, the USA is instead trying to maintain its supremacy They also permanently weaken their opponents and competitors, even their allies and vassals like Germany, in order to appear stronger again.

Peoples almost never have an interest in military conflicts between different states. These almost
always came from the elites in order to secure their power. It is therefore important that the peoples network and work together and clearly reject any kind of warmongering.

This international peace conference here is just such a piece of networking and therefore an important building block for future peace policy. Civil conflict prevention must become the most important guideline in the foreign policy of our home countries.

To do this, it is important to network further. We wish the conference much success!

With solidarity greetings,

Kay Hanisch (Spokesperson for the citizens’ movement NEW DIRECTION, Germany)