International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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Posts of the category: STATEMENTS-PARTICIPANTS

24. 10. 2023 - Statement of German conference supporter "Federal Association of Workers' Photography"
The "Federal Association of Workers' Photography" (Bundesverband Arbeiterfotografie) supports the peace conference "For a true and just peace - stop the third world war". It demands - not only for Germany: "NATO out" and "Get out of NATO", in particular "NATO out of Eastern Europe!" Its complete declaration follows.

24. 10. 2023 - Open Letter to the Rome International Peace Conference
On October 27th and 28th, anti-imperialist organisations and parties from around the world are meeting in Rome for the Peace Conference – under the banner “Stop the Third World War – for a true and a just peace”. We believe this conference, growing out of opposition to NATO’s reckless proxy war against Russia, is an important step towards building a new internationalist anti-imperialist movement. The letter below, addressed to the those attending the conference, was endorsed by, the LCFI, Bolshevik Group South Korea and the Socialist Unity Party.

24. 10. 2023 - Statement of the german conference supporter "Peace WG of dieBasis Cologne"
Two sentences of the statement at the beginning: "We want to achieve, in alliance with peace forces in other NATO countries, that NATO, as the most aggressive war alliance in the world, is banned from the whole of Europe." And: "We oppose war in all its forms - military as well as those waged by economic, biological and psychological means." This is the way peace movement has to go and the peace conference "For a true and just peace - stop the third world war" already goes.

21. 10. 2023 - Freie Linke Zukunft - Anti-imperialism today must understand the strategies of today’s ruling class
The organized workers’ movement world over has struggled, not only to fight some of these most recent offensives of the ruling class, but even to properly recognize them as such. Our goal is to overcome this. Simultaneously, we agitate with a socialist perspective from within the diffuse movement which has arisen in Germany against our bourgeoisie's politics of crisis, waged primarily under these three banners.

14. 10. 2023 - At The Edge Of The Future - Communist Labour Party of Turkey / Leninist
The imperialist countries, led by the USA, have begun a global war against the world proletariat and the working- and impoverished-classes in order to protect the hegemony of the imperialist-capitalist system from collapse and to prolong the existence of the capitalist means of production.

12. 10. 2023 - Greetings to the International Peace Conference - Neue Richtung
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of peace, the neutralist citizens' movement “NEUE DIRECTION” from Germany sends best regards and wishes for this conference. Unfortunately, for several reasons - including both professional and health reasons - we were unable to send a representative to Rome.

10. 10. 2023 - Now Is The Time For Revolution - Süleyman Acar (Mücadele Birligi)
Labeling Russia as an imperialist power, which in reality can only be classified as a "developed peripheral country" in the economic sense, is a caricature and distortion of Lenin's "Imperialism..." work, nothing else. Especially when you consider the fact that the imperialist bloc organizes the whole world in dependence on itself!

08. 10. 2023 - Con Davide contro Golia
Il coro dei governi e dei media occidentali è unanime: “Un atto di guerra contro Israele”. Omettono di dire che per i palestinesi la guerra d’aggressione dura sin dal 1948, quando, grazie all’esodo forzato di 700mila palestinesi e all’espropriazione delle loro terre e dei loro beni, venne fondato lo Stato d’Israele.