Posts of the category: ENGLISH
29. 12. 2024 - U.S. imperialism was and remains the main enemy
We publish the Coordination Declaration “Stop the Third World War” (STOPWW3). The Declaration was drawn up immediately after Donald Trump’s electoral victory on November 5th. After a close discussion it was finally approved on 29 December. Trump will take office as president next Jan. 20. The statements he released after the electoral victory seem to confirm our opinion.
24. 10. 2024 - Statement on the escalating wars in Palestine and Ukraine
The past few months have been enormously consequential for the anti-imperialist Resistances. Beginning with the telecommunications sabotage, the Zionist regime unleashed a brutal war on the people of Lebanon, first by air and sea, followed by an ongoing ground invasion. After a year of genocide, the Zionist regime shows no sign of stopping their war on the Palestinian people. There has only been an intensification of the war coupled with a denial of the most basic humanitarian assistance for the people in Gaza.
23. 10. 2024 - Statement of the Workers’ Cause Party on the G20 Summit in Brazil
On November 18th, the architects of the Palestinian genocide — now extending into Lebanon with no foreseeable end—will arrive at Brazilian soil, in Rio de Janeiro, for the annual G20 summit. The Workers’ Cause Party has undertaken the task of organizing a large-scale demonstration against these imperialist leaders, condemning the ongoing genocide, and, above all, expressing our solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, which continues to fight heroically against one of the most heavily armed militaries in the world. What the Zionist army lacks in bravery, it compensates for with bombs, missiles, aircraft, and rifles supplied by the governments of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Canada, and, most significantly, the United States.
22. 09. 2024 - THE THIRD WORLD WAR by STOPWW3
For a brief moment in history, with the scheduled demolition Soviet Union in 1991, it seemed that the United States of America had finally reached the level of undisputed universal power. It turned out, however, to be only a fleeting moment, which the U.S. exploited to the fullest, both by strengthening geopolitical alliances with its vassal and/or client states (primarily through NATO) and subjugating nations that resisted and peoples who rebelled, using bloody wars of aggression or by proxy wars, coups and false flag operations. The “Project for a New American Century; was stillborn.
04. 08. 2024 - Statement on the Assassination of Dr Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Haniyeh is no longer with us. He, who devoted his whole life to the decolonization of Palestine and died for Palestine, was murdered by the mechanisms the USA has established worldwide, with first in line the criminal organization that calls itself "Israel". The collaboration of the rest of the NATO countries in this crime, as in all the previous ones, is a given, even if they try to hide behind the big boss of NATO and its criminal organization.
21. 04. 2024 - Final Declaration of the “What Future for Palestine” Forum held in Rome
The October 7th operation and the battles which have followed have proved that the Palestinian resistance has strengthened its military capacity and achieved broad political unity. All armed groups are now cooperating together from a common base of resistance. The resistance struggles against the Zionist regime which is armed and funded by the United States and other Western countries. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Palestinian resistance has inflicted serious loses to the enemy. The Zionists have been forced to continue operations in Gaza for more than 6 months without achieving their initial or intermediate goals. The Zionist regime has left behind more than 40,000 dead or missing persons, including 14,000 children with over 80,000 seriously wounded. Civilian infrastructure in Gaza has been systematically targeted and destroyed.
06. 04. 2024 - Nación Andaluza - People's unity to fight Imperialism
Today, more than ever before, the slogan of “people’s unity to fight imperialism” takes on a special relevance. Day after day we are witnessing how the madness unleashed against peoples and countries all over the world. A madness such that reaches levels that set us on the verge of a cataclysm of such magnitude that means a risk for the life on this planet itself.
From Andalusia we feel as our own the pain suffered from the people suffering the attack from the imperialism. We stand in solidarity with them, most particularly with Palestine nowadays. They have been suffering a process of conquest and colonization, of appropriation of their territory and its expulsion of a part of its population into exile, and have been doing so for over 75 years in a row now.
30. 03. 2024 - Resolution on the Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Hall
A bloody terrorist attack in the suburbs of Moscow, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people, including children, teenagers, and women, cannot but cause angry indignation among any person of good will. The number of dead has not yet been fully calculated; many bodies are under the rubble after the terrible fire, but the death toll already exceeds 150 people.
31. 12. 2023 - Statement on the Genocide of the Palestinian People
Israel is committing a casebook crime of genocide in Gaza. To be precise, it is continuing and hardening the colonial genocide it had been committing in Palestine for 75 years. In our era, this crime is comparable only with the systematic extermination of the Iraqi and Afghani people that the U.S. and its allies committed.
10. 11. 2023 - CP of the Russian Federation, International anti-war conference
Delegates from 40 international leftist and anti-fascist organizations from about 30 countries met in Rome in October 27 – 28, 2023 to discuss new threats facing humanity in the 21st century.