International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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Beiträge vom April 2024

21. 04. 2024
The October 7th operation and the battles which have followed have proved that the Palestinian resistance has strengthened its military capacity and achieved broad political unity. All armed groups are now cooperating together from a common base of resistance. The resistance struggles against the Zionist regime which is armed and funded by the United States and other Western countries. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Palestinian resistance has inflicted serious loses to the enemy. The Zionists have been forced to continue operations in Gaza for more than 6 months without achieving their initial or intermediate goals. The Zionist regime has left behind more than 40,000 dead or missing persons, including 14,000 children with over 80,000 seriously wounded. Civilian infrastructure in Gaza has been systematically targeted and destroyed.

21. 04. 2024
De operatie van 7 oktober en de daaropvolgende veldslagen hebben bewezen dat het Palestijnse verzet zijn militaire capaciteit heeft versterkt en een brede politieke eenheid heeft bereikt. Alle gewapende groepen werken nu samen vanuit een gemeenschappelijke basis van verzet. Het verzet strijdt tegen het zionistische regime dat bewapend en gefinancierd wordt door de Verenigde Staten en andere westerse landen.

21. 04. 2024
Операция 7 октября и последовавшие за ней сражения доказали, что палестинское сопротивление укрепило свой военный потенциал и достигло широкого политического единства. Все вооруженные группировки в настоящее время сотрудничают, опираясь на общую базу сопротивления.

21. 04. 2024
«L'operazione del 7 ottobre e le battaglie che ne sono seguite hanno dimostrato che la Resistenza palestinese ha rafforzato la sua capacità militare e ha raggiunto una più ampia unità politica. Tutti i gruppi armati stanno ora cooperando come fronte unito. La resistenza lotta contro il regime sionista, armato e finanziato dagli Stati Uniti e da altri Paesi occidentali. In inferiorità numerica e militare, la Resistenza palestinese ha inflitto gravi perdite al nemico. I sionisti sono stati costretti a continuare le operazioni a Gaza per più di 6 mesi senza raggiungere i loro obiettivi. Il regime sionista ha lasciato dietro di sé più di 40.000 morti o dispersi, tra cui 14.000 bambini e oltre 80.000 feriti gravi. Le infrastrutture civili di Gaza sono state sistematicamente prese di mira e distrutte.

21. 04. 2024
La operación del 7 de octubre y las batallas que le siguieron han demostrado que la Resistencia palestina ha fortalecido su capacidad militar y ha logrado una amplia unidad política. Todos los grupos armados cooperan ahora desde una base común de resistencia.

21. 04. 2024
Die Operation vom 7. Oktober wie auch die darauf folgenden Kämpfe haben unter Beweis gestellt, dass der palästinensische Widerstand seine militärischen Kapazitäten weiter ausgebaut und eine breite politische Einheit erzielt hat.

21. 04. 2024
7 Ekim operasyonu ve bunu takip eden çatışmalar Filistin direnişinin askeri kapasitesini güçlendirdiğini ve geniş bir siyasi birlik sağladığını kanıtlamıştır. Artık tüm silahlı gruplar ortak bir direniş zemininde işbirliği yapmaktadır. Direniş, ABD ve diğer Batılı ülkeler tarafından silahlandırılan ve finanse edilen Siyonist rejime karşı mücadele etmektedir.

21. 04. 2024
A operação de 7 de outubro e as batalhas que se seguiram provaram que a resistência palestina fortaleceu sua capacidade militar e alcançou ampla unidade política. Todos os grupos armados estão agora cooperando juntos a partir de uma base comum de resistência.

21. 04. 2024
Η επιχείρηση της 7ης Οκτωβρίου και οι μάχες που ακολούθησαν απέδειξαν ότι η παλαιστινιακή αντίσταση έχει ενισχύσει τη στρατιωτική της ικανότητα και έχει πετύχει ευρεία πολιτική ενότητα. Όλες οι ένοπλες ομάδες συνεργάζονται πλέον από κοινού στην κοινή βάση της αντίστασης. Η αντίσταση αγωνίζεται ενάντια στο σιωνιστικό καθεστώς το οποίο οπλίζεται και χρηματοδοτείται από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και άλλες δυτικές χώρες. Με ελάχιστα μέσα , η Παλαιστινιακή αντίσταση έχει προκαλέσει σοβαρές απώλειες στον εχθρό. Οι Σιωνιστές αναγκάστηκαν να συνεχίσουν τις επιχειρήσεις στη Γάζα για περισσότερο από 6 μήνες χωρίς να επιτύχουν τους αρχικούς ή τους ενδιάμεσους στόχους τους. Το σιωνιστικό καθεστώς έχει αφήσει πίσω του περισσότερους από 40.000 νεκρούς ή αγνοούμενους, συμπεριλαμβανομένων 14.000 παιδιών και πάνω από 80.000 σοβαρά τραυματίες. Οι αστικές υποδομές στη Γάζα στοχοποιήθηκαν συστηματικά και καταστράφηκαν.

20. 04. 2024
WHERE DOES THE TRUTH LIE? This will be the International Forum “WHAT FUTURE FOR THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE?” Rome, 20 and April 21 2024 This is not just any conference, nor a propaganda meeting, nor a summit offering mere solidarity. It is a Forum to delve into the history and address the ancient and recent causes […]

06. 04. 2024
Today, more than ever before, the slogan of “people’s unity to fight imperialism” takes on a special relevance. Day after day we are witnessing how the madness unleashed against peoples and countries all over the world. A madness such that reaches levels that set us on the verge of a cataclysm of such magnitude that means a risk for the life on this planet itself. From Andalusia we feel as our own the pain suffered from the people suffering the attack from the imperialism. We stand in solidarity with them, most particularly with Palestine nowadays. They have been suffering a process of conquest and colonization, of appropriation of their territory and its expulsion of a part of its population into exile, and have been doing so for over 75 years in a row now.