International Initiative for Peace
International Initiative for Peace
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Beiträge vom Oktober 2023

30. 10. 2023
Ukraine has become a tool of NATO, with the help of which Western countries decided to destroy Russia. A brutal nationalist regime has been established in Ukraine. This regime is masquerading as liberal democracy. The leadership of Western countries approves and supports this lie. Today, civil society in Europe and throughout the world knows nothing about the terror that the Ukrainian government has launched against people who do not share the views of nationalists.

30. 10. 2023
L’evento, organizzato dal “Fronte del Dissenso” in sinergia con altri movimenti europei e internazionali, si è concluso il 28 pomeriggio con l’adesione del neonato coordinamento “Stop III World War” alla grande manifestazione e al grande corteo pro-Palestina di Roma.

29. 10. 2023
La prima sessione della Conferenza Internazionale per la Pace a Roma, presso l’Hotel Universo, organizzata dal Fronte del Dissenso nei giorni 27 e 28 ottobre, si apre con il benvenuto degli organizzatori ai relatori e al pubblico provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, dall’Australia al Brasile.

29. 10. 2023
World War 3 is in full swing. Triggered by the war in Ukraine in 2022, World War 3 is spreading to Taiwan and South Korea and through Palestine in 2023. Today, the probability of contagion in Eastern Europe and an outbreak of war in Eastern Asia is increasingly likely. The current situation, where the war in Palestine is expanding into the Middle East War, is definitely sparking wars in East Asia.

28. 10. 2023
Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on October 27 - 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace.

28. 10. 2023

28. 10. 2023
Delegierte von 40 Organisationen und Einzelpersonen aus 25 Ländern kamen am 27. und 28. Oktober 2023 in Rom zusammen, um über die Ursachen des aktuellen Krieges in der Ukraine, die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf den internationalen Frieden, die Gefahren für unsere Völker und die Aufgaben der Bewegung für einen gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden zu diskutieren.

28. 10. 2023
40 ülkeden delege, 25 ülkeden de bireysel katılımcılar, Ukrayna’da sürmekte olan savaşın nedenlerini, uluslararası barışa etkilerini, insanlarımızın karşı karşıya olduğu tehlikeleri ve adil ve kalıcı bir barış hareketinin görevlerini tartışmak için, 27-28 Ekim tarihlerinde Roma’da bir araya geldiler.

28. 10. 2023
Делегаты из 40 организаций и лидеры общественного мнения из 25 стран собрались в Риме 27-28 октября 2023 года, чтобы обсудить причины нынешней войны на Украине, влияние войны на международный мир, опасности, с которыми сталкивается наш народ, и задачи движения за справедливый и постоянный мир.

28. 10. 2023
Afgevaardigden van 40 organisaties en individuen uit 25 landen kwamen op 27-28 oktober 2023 samen in Rome om te discussiëren over de oorzaken van de huidige oorlog in Oekraïne, de impact van de oorlog op de internationale vrede, de gevaren voor onze mensen en de taken van de beweging voor een rechtvaardige en permanente vrede.

28. 10. 2023
Ci sarà modo di spiegare nei dettagli ai tanti nostri amici che non hanno potuto partecipare alla Conferenza Internazionale i diversi aspetti per cui essa è stata un successo al di là delle nostre aspettative. Per la presenza di tante delegazioni provenienti da ogni continente, per la qualità dei tanti interventi, per l’atmosfera segnata da amicizia e fratellanza, per i momenti di lucida commozione, per la grande attenzione ricevuta in Italia e in tanti altri paesi.

28. 10. 2023
Les délégués de 40 organisations et personnes de 25 pays se sont réunis à Rome les 27 et 28 octobre 2023 pour discuter des causes de la guerre actuelle en Ukraine, de l'impact de la guerre sur la paix internationale, des dangers auxquels les peuples sont confrontés et des tâches du mouvement pour une paix juste et permanente.

28. 10. 2023
Delegados de 40 organizaciones e individualidades de 25 países se reunieron en Roma los días 27 y 28 de octubre de 2023 para discutir las causas de la actual guerra en Ucrania, el impacto de la guerra en la paz internacional, los peligros que enfrenta nuestro pueblo y las tareas del movimiento por una paz justa y permanente.

28. 10. 2023
For almost ten years now, genocide has been carried out against us by the fascist neo-Nazi Ukraine that emerged in 2014 as a result of an armed coup carried out under the leadership of the West. They are trying to destroy us precisely because we refuse to betray and trample on our history, culture, and divest of the Russian language that is common to all of us and native to the majority. Our public organizations and political parties, and the media were banned by the fascist state. And recently, our traditional Orthodox Church was placed under a direct ban.

27. 10. 2023
Im Vorfeld der Internationalen Friedenskonferenz in Rom haben sich am Donnerstag Vertreter unterschiedlicher linker Organisationen und Friedensgruppen aus der ganzen Welt zu einer ersten Diskussionsrunde getroffen. Dabei tauschten sich die Repräsentanten verschiedener Länder über die Ziele der Konferenz aus.

27. 10. 2023
Антивоенная пацифистская конференция проходит в Риме с участием делегаций активистов из более чем 30 стран, включая Россию, США, Китай, Марокко, несколько европейских государств. Ее организатором выступила политическая организация "Фронт несогласия", которая собрала единомышленников из антивоенных ассоциаций и движений против НАТО.

27. 10. 2023
Международная конференция антивоенных ассоциаций с призывами "остановить Третью мировую войну" и "прекратить агрессию США и НАТО" открылась в пятницу в Риме, передает корреспондент РИА Новости.

27. 10. 2023
Aus der ganze Welt haben sich aktuell Menschen in Rom zusammengefunden, um ihren politischen Aktivismus gegen die NATO zu koordinieren und die eigene Perspektiven zu berichten. Bericht direkt von der Konferenz.

27. 10. 2023
Von deutschem Boden würde nur noch Frieden ausgehen, hatten die Regierungen der BRD und DDR im Zwei-plus-Vier-Vertrag vom 12.9.1990 erklärt.

25. 10. 2023
Il 27 e 28 ottobre a Roma si incontreranno personaggi di vario genere che confondono le tesi putiniane col marxismo convinti che il vero aggressore non sia il macellaio del Cremlino e il gruppo terrorista palestinese, ma il blocco Stati Uniti-Nato-Ue.

25. 10. 2023
The production of economic and social crises is an inherent feature of the brutal and unjust system of capitalism based on private ownership of the means of production. Imperialists resort to criminal methods to temporarily escape from crises. They fire workers, allocate financial resources to produce weapons and fund war, and in this way, they start wars to dominate new markets and expand political and economic hegemony. In the ocean of ​blood of children and innocent people, they hunt for their target goldfish.

24. 10. 2023
I speak on behalf of the International Anti-Fascist Information Center, which was founded this year in Moscow by anti-fascists from various countries. We send you the warmest greetings and wish the congress every success.

24. 10. 2023
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, has been the source of evil including war, slaughter, poverty, inequality, and environmental destruction, and has driven humanity to the brink of extinction, over the past 100 years. However, in recent decades, signs of collapse of the imperialist world system have become clear and the pace of collapse is increasing.

24. 10. 2023
The "Federal Association of Workers' Photography" (Bundesverband Arbeiterfotografie) supports the peace conference "For a true and just peace - stop the third world war". It demands - not only for Germany: "NATO out" and "Get out of NATO", in particular "NATO out of Eastern Europe!" Its complete declaration follows.

24. 10. 2023
On October 27th and 28th, anti-imperialist organisations and parties from around the world are meeting in Rome for the Peace Conference – under the banner “Stop the Third World War – for a true and a just peace”. We believe this conference, growing out of opposition to NATO’s reckless proxy war against Russia, is an important step towards building a new internationalist anti-imperialist movement. The letter below, addressed to the those attending the conference, was endorsed by, the LCFI, Bolshevik Group South Korea and the Socialist Unity Party.

24. 10. 2023
Two sentences of the statement at the beginning: "We want to achieve, in alliance with peace forces in other NATO countries, that NATO, as the most aggressive war alliance in the world, is banned from the whole of Europe." And: "We oppose war in all its forms - military as well as those waged by economic, biological and psychological means." This is the way peace movement has to go and the peace conference "For a true and just peace - stop the third world war" already goes.

21. 10. 2023
The organized workers’ movement world over has struggled, not only to fight some of these most recent offensives of the ruling class, but even to properly recognize them as such. Our goal is to overcome this. Simultaneously, we agitate with a socialist perspective from within the diffuse movement which has arisen in Germany against our bourgeoisie's politics of crisis, waged primarily under these three banners.

21. 10. 2023
Ucraina e realtà - Il corteo di pacifinti aiuta la guerra.

20. 10. 2023
Ende Oktober treffen sich in Rom Vertreter von Friedensinitiativen und Anti-NATO-Aktivisten aus der ganzen Welt. Auf der Konferenz wollen sie ihr Friedensengagement gegen die NATO-Aggression in Russland international koordinieren und eine Solidaritätsdelegation in den Donbass senden.

15. 10. 2023
Dem Aufruf des italienischen „Fronte del Dissenso“ (Front des Dissenses) gemeinsam mit europäischen und internationalen Bewegungen, wurde von rund hundert politischen Organisationen und tausenden aus allen Kontinenten Folge geleistet: von Deutschland bis Russland, von Griechenland zur Ukraine, von Afghanistan in die Vereinigten Staaten, von Indien bis Südkorea, von China bis nach Palästina, von Venezuela nach Australien.

15. 10. 2023
The Appeal, launched by the Fronte del Dissenso together with other European and international movements, as well as thousands of citizens, dozens of political organizations and social movements from different countries and continents have signed: from Germany to Russia, from Greece to Ukraine, from Afghanistan to the USA, from India to South Korea, from China to Palestine, from Venezuela to Australia.

14. 10. 2023
The imperialist countries, led by the USA, have begun a global war against the world proletariat and the working- and impoverished-classes in order to protect the hegemony of the imperialist-capitalist system from collapse and to prolong the existence of the capitalist means of production.

12. 10. 2023
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of peace, the neutralist citizens' movement “NEUE DIRECTION” from Germany sends best regards and wishes for this conference. Unfortunately, for several reasons - including both professional and health reasons - we were unable to send a representative to Rome.

10. 10. 2023
Labeling Russia as an imperialist power, which in reality can only be classified as a "developed peripheral country" in the economic sense, is a caricature and distortion of Lenin's "Imperialism..." work, nothing else. Especially when you consider the fact that the imperialist bloc organizes the whole world in dependence on itself!

08. 10. 2023
Il coro dei governi e dei media occidentali è unanime: “Un atto di guerra contro Israele”. Omettono di dire che per i palestinesi la guerra d’aggressione dura sin dal 1948, quando, grazie all’esodo forzato di 700mila palestinesi e all’espropriazione delle loro terre e dei loro beni, venne fondato lo Stato d’Israele.