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U.S. imperialism was and remains the main enemy

29 December 2024

AFTER TRUMP’S ELECTION – Statement of the STOPWW3 Initiative

We publish the Coordination Declaration “Stop the Third World War” (STOPWW3). The Declaration was drawn up immediately after Donald Trump’s electoral victory on November 5th. After a close discussion it was finally approved on 29 December. Trump will take office as president next Jan. 20. The statements he released after the electoral victory seem to confirm our opinion.

(1) The world has entered a period of instability and great turmoil. The propulsive thrust of American-led globalization has come to an end. Because of its liberalist devices and Yankee imperialist arrogance, globalization has accentuated internal social inequalities within each country, economic and geopolitical imbalances, and plunder to the detriment of poor countries. The coming decades will decide the order of the world: will we have a new globalization, and what kind will it be? polycentric or will another power take the place of the U.S.? Or, conversely, will nation-states take back the keys to the house by choosing the path of protectionism and economic self-sufficiency? When a new world order and a new hierarchy of powers are at stake, recourse to war becomes inevitable. If the peoples and the oppressed classes remain on their knees, if anti-imperialist resistance does not achieve field victories, the future of the world will be decided in what we have called World War III Prolonged.

2) Donald Trump’s disruptive revenge can only be explained in this context, and as a result of the infighting that tears apart both American society and its oligarchic elites. The Trumpian fraction, while taking into account the heterogeneous nature of its social basis presents itself as a revanchist movement, the task it sets itself is to defend the world supremacy of the United States (MAGA). Ideologically, in addition to racist and misogynist traits, the main ideological basis is a Christian-Zionist messianism, whereby, if the world supremacy of the United States were to fail, the end of the world would occur. What would actually happen, should the U.S. be deprived of its parasitic position of dominance, is that it would plunge, if not into civil war, into an inexorable existential crisis.

(3) The idea of establishing an agreement with Putin’s Russia should not deceive us. It is not an impossible new Yalta that the Trump faction has in mind. The neutralization of the conflict with Russia, brought to its peak by the Biden administration, is a dangerous strategy to tame Moscow and detach it from Beijing, in order to concentrate and direct all forces into a confrontation with China, the only rival that could challenge the global supremacy of the United States. No illusions, then: with Trump, peace is not on the horizon, but rather a war conducted differently — Palestinians and various anti-imperialist nations know this well. 

(4) Therefore, we cannot rejoice in Trump’s victory, but we are certainly not saddened by the political defeat of the democratic faction of the Yankee elite. In fact, we are pleased. For one fundamental reason: when discord and contention prevail in the enemy camp, this is beneficial to the camp of the oppressed, the rebels, and the nations in resistance. It is therefore an advantage also for countries within the disunited BRICS coalition, as a potential momentary paralysis of the American imperial machine makes their battle to end the supremacy of the dollar and lays the foundations for a multilateral order less complicated. It is well known that Trump considers the BRICS phenomenon an existential threat to US hegemony and will undoubtedly try in every way to sow discord and divide them in order to target China. Finally, there is one more reason why Trump’s victory was the lesser evil: it has created confusion in Europe, intensifying the forces of disintegration within the European Union, which would deliver a lethal blow to eurocracy and American imperial power, thus breathing new vital oxygen into revolutionary forces in Europe.

(5) “STOPWW3 – International Initiative for Peace” reiterates its call to stand with those who fight against imperialism, colonialism, and Zionism. We will double our efforts to ensure peace with Russia and China, more than ever, given the increasing likelihood of a nuclear conflagration with every Western escalation. Our work for peace and justice is neither a crime nor a betrayal. Only a united mass movement can confront oppression at home and wars abroad. We call on all forces to join us in this effort. 

STOPWW3 – International Initiative for Peace

December 29, 2024